Joe Barrera, Ph.D., has lived in Colorado Springs since 1968. Joe graduated from The Colorado College with a degree in English, earned the MA in English at Claremont Graduate School in California, and his Ph.D. in American Literature at the University of Texas at Austin. He taught at the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, at Pikes Peak Community College, and The Colorado College. He was the founder of the Sister Cities Mural Art Project and coordinated mural art projects with artists from our sister cities in Mexico and Australia. Joe is currently the publisher of The Almagre Review/La Revista Almagre, a literary journal with contributors from all over the U.S. and from other countries. The Almagre Review publishes essays and original fiction and poetry, as well as graphic art and photography. The next issue of The Almagre Review, named after the original Spanish name for Fountain Creek, el rio Almagre, will be the Chicano Collection, parts I and II. Joe is active in the arts scene in the Pikes Peak region and supports artists and their art through the efforts of the Black/Latino Coalition and other grassroots organizations.